It was 2:00 am on June 14th, 1998 when Liam Ivory was up still doing experiments for a new product: dog shampoo. He made up many concoctions, but they all ended badly; from dogs hair turning different colors to them growing different body parts. Liam was on his 2068th potion when a test dog had drunk the preparation when he wasn’t looking. Liam came back and the dog was wearing glasses. Liam was flabbergasted at the fact that the dog was wearing glasses. Then the dog said out loud, ” Your mixing the wrong chemicals.” Liam corrected his mistake, and the shampoo created.
100 word challenge-week 3
It was July 3rd, 2017 when professor James Ivory started his research on the purple crocodile; discovered two months ago, his research was very difficult for the pass few months. So, professor Ivory was happy to be done researching the new species of crocodile. He walked out of his office building and went home. On his way home, he realized he forgot his research paper on his desk. Then, he turned his car back around and headed straight for the office. Once he made it to his office door, he unlocked it. The paper was twisted and cut on his desk.

Crocodile eating a stuffed animal.
My Song
The song that I chose was “Seventeen” by Alessia Cara. There are many other songs that describe me, but I chose this song particularly because it shows how you should take your time in life. Taking your time in life to me gives you time to make friends that will eventually become family. ” I thought he lied when he said, ‘ Take my time to dream.’ Now I wish I could freeze the time at seventeen.” This line shows advice from her dad saying to take your time, and with that time dream big. “My mother said, ‘Don’t forget where you come from, where you’ve been. Always keep your closest friends they can’t slip away. They keep you ground, oh keep yourself surrounded with good advice.’… I thought she lied when she said, ‘ Take my time to breathe.’ Now I wish I could freeze the time at seventeen.” This line shows advice from her mother saying to keep your friends close by in life because they will keep you grounded, and give you good advice. All and all I chose this song not because I am a fan of Alessia, but because the advice she gives out on life.
Who I am
Hello my name is Alexia Nettles and I am a born and raised Houstonian. I was born on March 6th, 2004. I think of my self as very confident nerd. Superheros have always been my interest. Marvel and D.C have been apart of my inspiration of becoming a mechanical engineer. Of course those to companies are not my only inspiration, my friends and family have also been an inspiration. Positivity has always been embraced in my life. Making people happy has always been my intention. All and All that is who I am.
One of my favorite marvel superheros.
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